Above are a mix of photos that I then turned into media art (the pictures of Jen and then myself), then the other two are pictures of paintings I have done that I altered into media art themselves- ALL in the name of REDWOLF!
Can you believe that the ROYAL wedding is only three days away?! Everyone, go out and buy a commemorative fridge!! ;)
HELLO! It's a typical rainy monday over here in the Pacificly fantastic Northwest, and having survived our bout of not having any internet, we are back! And, we are happy to announce that we were featured on the awesome blog that is http://www.shout-outtoyou.com/ !!!!!! Which is so incredibly exciting! We love her blog and are SO happy to get to be a part of it!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, oh, and of course, enjoyed the season premier of Dr. Who- I know Jen and I did!
Today we are going to have a mini photo shoot of some of the items we are dying to show to the world! It's actually sunny here, so of course, we are going to take advantage.
As you can tell, we haven't done any new photo shoots for a week, so above are a jumble of mixed photos. I fell in love with the pick-up truck at the top. "DEMONFARMER" how on earth is that a good thing?? Pure genius I tell you! Soon though, we will round up the troops and shoot some photos, it's just been raining and hailing like crazy and we are trying to get ready for a fair we're going to be in on Hawthorne. So...one day the planets will be perfectly in line for all of our new items.
Sorry for the long delay, Jen and I have been super busy lately restocking materials. We are so excited about the new stuff we are making though! GAH! Thus, this is a rather short post...yet, I have to address something extremely important and exciting. This is my public service announcement: 10 days till the new season of Dr. Who!!! YES!!!