"Like the lantern on a tree
Your burden bright as weary be.
Periwig on parakeet,
You're God's great paramour and sweet.
I'm happy, I'm happy
Your birthday brings a pardoning.
I'm happy, I'm happy
You're like a bird that will not be.
Yours will number, yours will be
A paragon a Paraclete.
Keep your bed warm, keep your humor,
Keep your proverbs short and sweet.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
That life is anxious, life is mean.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
A pair of shoes is what you need.
I'm happy, I'm happy
Your birthday brings a pardoning.
I'm happy, I'm happy
You're like a bird that will not be."
-Sufjan Stevens "Happy Birthday"
What does anyone typically do on their birthday? They watch Harry Potter, Dr. Who, and the Newest installment of Jersey Shore trash, right? Well, cheers to Nic Cage, the hair god's wonder child, and the specialist Happy Birthday to him! My, he-who-must-not-be-named.
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