The weekend before last at the bazaar that was a total bust, something good came out of the ashes like a phoenix! We met this extremely sweet girl named Anna. She makes these fabulous, all natural soaps at, and she told us about this amazing craft fair called the Portland Wonderland Craft Fair, that was happening the following weekend (which was the weekend that just got over).
So last Saturday, Jen and I went and checked it out and were completely amazed at how awesome it was. It was like that perfect outfit you had when you were a kid with your favorite stripped shirt, paired with your favorite polka-dot pants, matched with your favorite plaid shoes. It amy not make sense to everybody, and it may look extremely eclectic and eccentric, but it was perfect.
Here is a picture of the pamphlet and postcard:
We bought some incredible pine smelling soap called WOODSMAN from Portland based Roots Soap Co. which I am hoping will attract a bearded woodsman. Although, I could be going about this backwards...:) Either way, I am going to smell fantastic. So, thank you, Roots Soap co!

We also met this amazing jewelry designer, VERAMEAT, from NY who makes some of the coolest jewelry ever. Jen and I could not resist the delicate, beautiful spine necklaces. Aren't they fantastic? I love that they aren't these big gothic, gaudy pieces. We found them so inspiring, it's our dream to be able to make jewelry like that.

If you too want a beautiful spine necklace, check of VERAMEAT.COM
I love that she too sees the beauty of bones!
Peace and Love!
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